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Perth Metro Pipe Band

From the most humble of beginnings, Perth Metro was officially formed at its first meeting on the 11th March 2007; at this meeting there were 5 pipers and 2 drummers. We began practicing at a house in Beechboro until we had sufficient interest, numbers and funds to start practicing at the Inglewood Autumn Centre. Today we enjoy the wonderful facilities at the Perth Modern School in Subiaco.


Over the 2 years that followed, the band created interest in the WA pipe band community and we attracted new players throughout this time.


The band first played competition in G4 2008/2009 for 1 season as we built the standard of the playing group before being moved up into G3 at the end of 2010.


We have continued to grow in numbers this last 4 years and in 2012 in order to cater for swelling ranks and varying playing standards, we created Perth Metro Number 1 (G3) band and Perth Metro Number 2 (G4) band.  

The #2 band was created to cater for players of G4 standard and learners who were showing an interest in Perth Metro.

The #1 band will continue to strive for the highest standard possible and pass it’s knowledge and wisdom to the #2 band.

Players enjoy opportunities to move up through the ranks as their abilities advance and thus creating new places for learners coming through.


The #2 band is also necessary as the bridge for new learners that will soon be coming from the College of Piping & Drumming to the band, and any players already of the G4 standard looking for advancement in their playing.

With the growth of the band in the past 5 years, it is hoped, in the next 2 years we will have a #3 band formed as we continue to raise the standard of each of the two bands.


People wishing to learn the Pipes or Drums are encouraged to contact the “Perth College of Piping and Drumming” (run by Perth Metro members) that provides tuition on Saturday Mornings in Inglewood. 

Email Perth College of Piping Drumming:


We have Facebook pages for the Pipe Band and the College

Perth College of Piping & Drumming, Perth-Metro Pipe-Band 

Visit our Webpage!

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